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Jean’s Story, or how knitting healed her foot

Jean had fallen down some steps and broken a small bone in her foot. With time the pain settled and the bone healed so she was discharged from clinic. However, she was left with a persistent problem: when she walked any distance, her foot became swollen. She found this troublesome because her shoe became tight and uncomfortable and she felt embarrassed when she was in public.

Jean came to our showroom to see if we could offer any advice. After discussing her problem, we suggested she try using our Happylegs, ‘seated walking machine’ on a daily basis. At home she was able to use it while knitting and while working on her hobby of making craft greeting cards. With regular use she soon noticed the difference, the swelling stopped and soon she was able to wear her old shoes when she walked to church. Jean still uses her Happylegs and say she wouldn’t be without it.


Visit our Showroom & Training Centre

We stock a wide range of products, with over 1000 lines available in the showroom.
Come and TRY out the products to see what suits your needs.
Our friendly highly-trained staff will help you make a choice which is right for you.

  • We're located just off the A10,
    less than 10 minutes from the North Circular or M25
  • 5-minute walk from Southbury Road Station
  • Level access showroom & Accessible toilets
  • Free local delivery available
  • Home assessments and delivery can be arranged
  • FREE PARKING in our large car park


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