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LOLER Testing

Fortuna is able to provide a one-stop solution for your moving and handling needs. We can supply, install, LOLER test and srvice mobility equipment used by private individuals, residential homes, care homes and hospitals.


What is 'LOLER'?

The 1998 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (also known as LOLER) ensure the  safety of the person being lifted and those operating the equipment. In the care sector this mostly relates to Slings and Hoists.

It stipulates that close examinations on lifting equipment will have to occur:
 a) on initial use or following installation
 b) periodically during its life - normally every 6 months
 c) following certain exceptional circumstances

These tests must be carried out by a competent person who will make an independent judgement on any problems and assess how important they are in relation to the safety and continued use of the equipment. This person should be different to whoever performs regular maintenance.

LOLER testing is required for equipment operated by any organisation. LOLER testing is not required for equipment entirely owned and operated  by private individuals. 


However, if professional carers are operating privately owned equipment, for instance in a client's home, then regular LOLER testing is a legal requirement.

Examples of equipment which needs 6-month LOLER testing:

Mobile Hoists  |  Ceiling Track Hoists  |   Slings  | Standing Aids  |  Adjustable Beds  |  Bath Hoists  |  Bath lift  |  Lifting platforms  |  Stair lifts


Regulations for SLINGS

Regulations for HOISTS


Our Services

We’re able to to provide LOLER testing services to all our customers from private individuals in their own home to residential homes and care homes. We will normally service the equipment at the same time as testing and this can help  identify possible problems before they become an issue.

All our engineers are fully trained and qualified and are able to  provide thorough, efficient servicing and testing to industry standards. All have undergone a full DBS check (formerly CRB).

We know you're busy so leave the administration to us: we call our customers a few weeks before testing  is due to schedule your LOLER appointment in good time. This means that you can be confident that all your equipment will remain compliant.



Equipment Categories

For more details of the wide range of equipment that our engineers can test and service, please see the following table.

Servicing LOLER & Repairs
Mobile hoist (single): Standard Service + LOLER
CT hoist (single): Service + LOLER
Bath hoist (single): Service and LOLER
Scale service and calibration check
Hi-Lo profiling bed (single)  
Service and Callibration of 'Replacement air flow mattress' (single)
Service and Callibration of 'Overlay air flow mattress' (single)
Manual wheelchairs
Stairlifts (single)  (Domestic - no LOLER)
Stairlifts (single)  (Workplace - LOLER required)
Tail lifts, car hoists and winches
Equipment Repairs (per hour)




Although you can book and pay each time an assessment is carried out, there is an option to take out a year's service contract.

Benefits of a Fortuna Service Contract:

  • save time and trouble
  • lower prices are available
  • an introductory offer of FREE Rental Vouchers, worth up to 20% of the contract value.



Contact us to find out more or to book an appointment

Visit our Showroom & Training Centre

We stock a wide range of products, with over 1000 lines available in the showroom.
Come and TRY out the products to see what suits your needs.
Our friendly highly-trained staff will help you make a choice which is right for you.

  • We're located just off the A10,
    less than 10 minutes from the North Circular or M25
  • 5-minute walk from Southbury Road Station
  • Level access showroom & Accessible toilets
  • Free local delivery available
  • Home assessments and delivery can be arranged
  • FREE PARKING in our large car park


Call us on 020 8805 2020 to speak to a trained advisor
or email

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