The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (1998) advises that equipment used in the workplace must undergo both routine and exceptional inspections to ensure proper Health & Safety practice in the workplace. A different "LOLER" testing regime is required for lifting gear.
According to the HSE's (Health and safety executive) approved code of practice and guidance1 (pp.8-9 & pp.22-25) work equipment must undergo:
Regular Inspections: Equipment should be regularly and thoroughly examined by a competent person to ensure it remains safe to use. This includes routine checks and formal inspections at appropriate intervals.
Post-Installation Inspection: Newly installed or relocated equipment should be inspected before use to ensure correct installation and safety.
Exceptional Inspections: Inspections are necessary after any incidents or changes that could affect the equipment’s safety, such as damage caused by exposure to environmental conditions like excess humidity or temperature.
The results and notes of each inspection must be recorded at least until the next inspection which should be pre scheduled.
At Fortuna.Bambach we can provide Inspection / Servicing of non-lifting equipment (such as wheelchairs and portachairs) to ensure PUWER compliance. We offer a complete one stop solution for the workplace including:
creation of an inventory listing all your equipment that requires servicing
a reminder that a yearly service is due so that a visit by our technicians can be scheduled
inspection and servicing of the equipment by members of our experienced technical team
a dated 'pass sticker' will be added to the equipment to confirm the safety of the equipment
a subsequent report summarising the findings will be provided
advice on what to do about any problems that will require action before the equipment can be passed
The PUWER regulations apply to equipment provided by and organisation, rather than private individuals
The following are expamples of equipment that should be subjected to PUWER inspections as directed by the Health and Safety executive1:
Standing Transfer Aids
Riser Recliner Chairs
Profiling Beds
Active Mattresses
Mattress Elevator
To find out more: Call us on 020 8805 2020 | e-mail us or
complete the following Contact Form and we'll get back to you.
The regulations
page 8 - “thorough examination” in relation to a thorough examination under paragraph (1), (2), (3) or (4) of regulation 32— (a) means a thorough examination by a competent person; (b) includes testing the nature and extent of which are appropriate for the purpose described in the paragraph;
Page 9- inspection as to ensure that be operated, adjusted and maintained safely and that any deterioration for example any defect damage or wear can be detected and remedied before it results in unacceptable risks
The scope of Work equipment is extremely wide - (new existing or second hand)
Employers duties If you are an employer (whether as an individual, partnership or company) you have a duty to ensure that items of work equipment provided for your employees and the self-employed working for you comply with PUWER. Legal duty to consult with your employees on matters relating to health and safety in the workplace.
The duties of those in control of work equipment - If you provide work equipment for use at work, where you do not control its use or the premises where it is to be used, you should still ensure that the work equipment complies with PUWER
Regulation 5 Maintenance 20
Page 20 Equipment must be maintained so that its performance does not deteriorate to the extent that people are put at risk.
Regulation 6 inspection 22
Page 22 Page 25
Inspected before being put into service or after assembly at a new site
Every employer shall ensure that work equipment exposed to conditions causing deterioration which is liable to result in dangerous situations is inspected—
(a) at suitable intervals;
(b) each time that exceptional circumstances which are liable to jeopardise the safety of the work equipment have occurred,
Each inspection must be recorded until the next inspection has taken place.
[1] Health and saftey executive - "How the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations apply to health and social care"
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