Call us on 020 8805 2020 to speak to a trained advisor
or email

Fortuna mobility
4 Northgate Business Centre, Crown Road, Enfield EN1 1TG
Tel: 020 8805 2020    Fax: 020 8344 4821
Email:     Web:

Non-Retail TERMS & CONDITIONS of Sale


The following covers sales to ‘institutional buyers’ (organisations including but not limited to Hospitals, Care Homes, Local Authorities, Legal Firms) who may be purchasing for their own use or that of a client.

Specifically, this concerns sales made as a result of:

  • a Purchase Order, of any sort, or
  • a payment based on a quote that we have provided. We will interpret this as implicit acceptance of the quote and as a firm order.


  • Products are covered by the Manufacturer’s Warranty.
  • Proof of purchase must be provided
  • Photographic evidence of the problem may be required in relevant cases.
  • The faulty item must be returned to Fortuna’s showroom.

Cancellation or Returns Policy for Institutional Customer Orders

  • A request to return an item must be made within 60 days of the customer having been made aware that the product is ready for collection or delivery.
  • There will be an additional collection charge of £25-£200 if the item requires collection from the customer.
  • There is no evidence of the product having been used and the packaging remains in good condition.
  • Hygiene/toileting products ie commodes are excluded from our Returns Policy.


Returns of Standard Stock Items

Products from our Standard Stock Inventory can be returned subject to the following conditions:

  • If the request is made within the first 25 days, a handling fee of 10% of the purchase price will be charged.
  • Between 25-60 days a handling fee of 25% will be charged.



We will not accept requests for refunds on items that are ordered specifically on behalf of a customer. However, in certain circumstances, entirely at the discretion of Fortuna Mobility, we may make an offer to buy back the product. As guide:

  • Buy-back is only available for original purchases above £300 ex VAT.
  • Our buy-back offer will vary depending on age, condition and type of product.
  • In general, it is likely to vary between 20-30% of the original purchase price.


Visit our Showroom & Training Centre

We stock a wide range of products, with over 1000 lines available in the showroom.
Come and TRY out the products to see what suits your needs.
Our friendly highly-trained staff will help you make a choice which is right for you.

  • We're located just off the A10,
    less than 10 minutes from the North Circular or M25
  • 5-minute walk from Southbury Road Station
  • Level access showroom & Accessible toilets
  • Free local delivery available
  • Home assessments and delivery can be arranged
  • FREE PARKING in our large car park


Call us on 020 8805 2020 to speak to a trained advisor
or email

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